In 2018 Nate Fox left his position as Associate Pastor at CenterPoint Church in Orem, UT. God was leading him into a wilderness season where Nate was led to start the Elevation Project. Through an act of simple obedience and faith Nate began taking simple steps to form a ministry that would begin to impact the entire landscape of Utah ministry. The Elevation Project was begun through relational investment in local pastors and local church leaders believing that the only way we come together and advance the Kingdom of God in Utah is by respecting and loving one another. Through these relational means we have seen many church pastors encouraged and feel supported in their ministries. Even though they come from various denominational backgrounds Utah presents a unique challenge that leads to discouragement and disillusionment. Since 2021 through a relational partnership with the Loving Utah ministry elevation project helped launch two innovative social media programs that seek to reach the people of Utah with the love and grace of Jesus. Nate is currently focused on the continual building of God’s Kingdom work in Utah through the 3 roles that are described here.